Transportation Improvement Program
Citizen Advisory Panel
Next TIP-CAP meeting being held Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. located at 100 W Public Works Drive
Microsoft Teams Meeting info
The Board of County Commissioners recognize the “value added” when community members participate in the development of transportation improvement plans. A citizen advisory panel, TIP-CAP, was established in 1999 to increase public involvement and bring forward a community voice for transportation needs
Members make recommendations on the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan, Annual Construction Program, and other transportation plans. They are also charged with gathering input from the community.
Do you have an idea for a transportation project or see a problem that needs fixing? Here are three ways you can share your ideas with TIP-CAP:
- Attend a TIP-CAP meeting. They are open to the public and there is time at the beginning of meetings for citizens to share their concerns and ideas.
- Submit an online comment.
- Attend one of the community outreach meetings typically held early in the year. These meetings highlight TIP-CAP’s role in advising the Board of County Commissioners, current and planned transportation improvement projects, and invite citizens to share their ideas for future projects.
For more information, please contact the Public Works Department at (360) 427-9670 ext. 450.