Fish habitat has been compromised by development, land use, and historical forestry practices. The WRIA 16 Watershed Team has addressed habitat concerns in the watershed by:

  • Supporting existing salmon recovery, habitat conservation, and open space programs
  • Producing eduational materials to familiarize and involve citizens in efforts to conserve and restore fish habitat
  • Providing links and downloads of selected publications and studies related to Hood Canal fish and wildlife habitat 
  • Providing a website containing links to organizations with habitat protection, restoration and education programs to benefit local watersheds
  • Providing a website with point-of-contact information for resource protection concerns
Additional Habitat information:

Habitat Work Schedule Making salmon recovery more accessible to partners, potential funders, and to the public.

WDFW Salmon Scape An interactive, computer mapping system created to deliver scientific information to people interested in on-the-ground salmon recovery projects.

Washington State Salmon Recovery A website created by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office.

Lower Twin Falls – Dosewallips
Lower Twin Falls – Dosewallips Photo: Bill Graham