Community Service is one requirement a court may impose on a juvenile. Community Service provides juveniles a meaningful opportunity to contribute to the community, take ownership, and learn responsibility. Juveniles complete this work during non-school hours.
Supervised Work Crew: A work crew composed of a group of juveniles that are under constant supervision of a department Work Crew Supervisor or another approved adult.
Administrative Community Service: Community Service that is authorized while not on a supervised work crew.
- Keep the schedule agreed upon with the Work Crew Supervisor. A physician’s note or documentation of a family emergency is required for any absence from this schedule.
- Do the job you are assigned to the best of your ability and ask questions if you are not sure what to do.
- Good manners are necessary. Respect others and act cooperatively. Treat supervisors, co-workers, and the public like you would want to be treated.
- Report on time for Work Crew and dressed for the type of work assigned. Remember the weather changes, so come dressed prepared to work outside. A neat, clean appearance is required. For safety reasons, please wear closed-toe shoes and do not wear clothing with statements on it.
- Bring a sack lunch and bottle of water.
- No use of alcohol/drugs, including tobacco, if under the age of 18, prior to or during the work crew.
- No weapons. All Work Crew participants are subject to a search prior to departing for the work site. Illegal items will be turned over to law enforcement. If a participant does not want to be searched, he/she will not be allowed to work on crew and the matter will be returned to court.
- Do not bring another person to the Work Crew.
- Do not participate in any illegal activities.
- Follow the direction of the Work Crew supervisor.
If you have an emergency, call (360) 427-9670 ext. 337 before 8 a.m.
If you are the parent/guardian of a juvenile working on the crew, please check what time to pick your child up after work with the supervisor before leaving your child with the crew.
For a more information or questions, please contact Sonya Miles at (360) 427-9670 x 248